Friday, April 20, 2012

The Controversy is OVER.

For me, the Goodreads controversy is now over.  I worked with Patrick Brown from Goodreads, a very nice man, and he helped to clear out accounts that I was accused of creating. 

Those who condemned for something I hadn't done, and then threatened me with blacklisting my name should feel badly for the way they acted.  I don't expect them to walk around and feel ashamed, we all make mistakes, and because of that, I forgive them.

I don't think that we'll be the best of friends, but we can be civil with each other.  We can and should work together.  I know that's what I would like to do.  I would like to put this in the past, forget about it, and never bring it up again.

I wish when the very moment arose and the accusations were made, the person/people would have contacted Goodreads to find out for themselves.  As nice an as helpful as Patrick Brown was, the accusers would have found out the truth before this turned into a witch hunt.

Again, for any of you that tried to bring me down, I forgive you.  I won't hold a grudge.  I won't say anything bad about you.  I won't even name you.  Naming you would be petty on my part, and that's not the type of person I am.  I would love to move forward from here.  I don't expect tears and begging, and all that melodramatic stuff, but a simple, "sorry" would be good enough for me.  I don't even care how you get that sorry to me. 

Thanks to the many who were supportive of me.  Your support meant more than anything to me.